We are often asked how we are evaluated to ensure we meet with all current guidelines, policies and safeguarding procedures to keep our children safe and secure whilst they are with us.
As an Alternative Provision we are frequently contacted by OFSTED, undertaking inspections at a child's named placement, to ensure that communication with a child's setting is open and often. Education Leaders are able to access a secure area of our website to download all of our policies and procedures as well as access information on their children. This keeps them fully informed of all progress and behaviour developments.
We are proud to work alongside Achieving for Children (AFC) to maintain our high standard of service to our children and are subject to AFC's stringent quality assurance program.
In a recent letter to schools AFC said:
"The vast majority of children and young people access the support they need to thrive in their local mainstream setting without the need for an EHCP or a placement in special or alternative provision. They should have their needs identified promptly, with appropriate support put in place at the earliest opportunity. However, for some children and young people the mainstream curriculum may not be suitable in its entirety and therefore
alternative pathways need to be explored for them to be able to thrive.
The definition of alternative provision is as follows:
education arranged by local authorities for pupils who, because of exclusion, illness or other reasons, would not otherwise receive suitable education; education arranged by schools for pupils from Day 6 of a suspension; and pupils being directed by schools to off-site provision to improve their behaviour"
(Alternative Provision Statutory guidance for local authorities January 2013).
Sheldon Snashall, The Associate Director Pupil Support for Achieving for Children said:
We can confirm that [ Forest Schooling UK is ] quality assured through the Pupil Support Service with the assistance of partners from our schools and other AfC services, through regular visits and meetings. The outcomes of the visits/meetings are reported to the Pupil Support Management Board who meet on a termly basis to both support and challenge the work of the Pupil Support Service.